Our grade six students along with student council are organizing a Holiday Drive from Dec 14 -22. We are inviting our LBP families to join with us in helping others in our community and around the world.

This year we will be collecting new toys that will be distributed by the Knights of Columbus to children in our community during the holiday season. This is a great way for our students to share the joy of the holiday season with other children in the Waterloo Region.

We will also be collecting items that can be put into a hygiene kit (adult-size toothbrushes, bars of soap, nail clippers, and dark coloured hand towels). These hygiene kits will be distributed by Mennonite Central Committee to people in various places around the world. The MCC says, “Keeping clean is an important part of remaining healthy, but families who have fled their homes because of disaster or war often struggle to afford these necessary supplies. Hygiene kits also are given through schools or orphanages to encourage healthy habits for children. 57,640 hygiene kits shipped last year to Jordan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Syria, Serbia, Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea), Honduras, Lebanon, Ukraine, Iraq, Canada, Ethiopia and the U.S.”