Are you looking for a way to connect and influence your child’s experience at LBP?

Your School Council meets on the last Wednesday of the month from 7pm to 9pm in the LBP School Library.

In addition to other activities, our current School Council has just completed a 4 year focus on raising funds for the Outdoor Learning Project – the new playgrounds and natural spaces you see around the school. It is time to re-group and re-focus on something new.

The majority of our current members are retiring from LBP or looking to take on smaller roles over the next year. We are looking for a new group of parents to take over and make it their own.

Through established fundraising channels (Lunch Program, Book Fair, Cookie Dough Sales, Grants, WEFI and Dance-a-thon) we are able to support the following:

Grade 8 Graduation
Field Trip Subsidies
Athletic Program
Home Reading Program
Jr / Sr Program Resources
Library Books
and more…

We have run Math Nights, STEAM Fairs, BBQ’s, Bike Rodeos, Speaker Nights and other school and community building events.

Our processes are documented and centralized in a shared Google Drive so transition to a new team will be smooth. We are excited to handover and see what a new team with new ideas and energy can do for the school.

Join us on Wednesday, October 30 7pm to 9pm in the LBP Library to learn more about how you can be part of group that creates a sense school community and connects parents, students, teachers and the community.

Proud to be LBP!
Your LBP School Council