October 23rd, 2018
It has been a busy summer and fall for the LBP team of educators and parent volunteers working on the Outdoor Learning Project (OLP). We are excited to share two big announcements:
1. The OLP design has been finalized by LBP Educators and is reflective of the responses gathered from teachers, students, and the broader LBP community through two surveys distributed this past year. Construction on Phase 2 is scheduled to be completed before Christmas by our WRDSB approved contractor Earthscape (www.earthscapeplay.com). Phase 2 will see the addition of a large log jam climber. Phase 3 will see the addition of an outdoor kitchen, stage, a smaller log climber, and a wheelchair accessible sandbox. Earthscape has provided a video mock-up of the final two phases.
2. School Council has received a $10,000 grant from the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation in support of the Outdoor Learning Project! A big thank you to the School Council volunteers who lead the grant writing process. The TD grant will cover approximately 25% of the 3rd and final phase of the OLP.
We are planning for Phase 3 to be built in the summer of 2019, provided we meet our attainable fundraising goal this year! Thank you for your contributions thus far, we look forward to rallying together to finish off this project as a community.
Proud to be LBP!
~ Outdoor Learning Project Committee