April 2nd, 2015
We are accepting Junior and Senior Kindergarten registration forms for
children born in 2011 (JK) and 2010 (SK)
Formal registration will take place in the L.B.P. school office.
There are 2 ways to register!
- a) If you have a child born in 2011 (JK) or 2010 (SK) who is not presently attending L.B.P., please click on the Register for Kindergarten link on the left hand side of our school website http://lbp.wrdsb.on.ca to download, print and complete the forms required for student registration. Please contact the office at 519-880-0300 to book an appointment to bring in your documents.
- b) If you prefer, you can pick up a registration package from the school office between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at which time an appointment will be booked for you.
Note: If you are aware of anyone living in our L.B.P. school area: friends, relatives or neighbours, please share this information with them. L.B.P. is unable to accept students who live outside of our catchment area (Quick link: School Finder at www.wrdsb.ca to verify). Also, if your child currently attends junior kindergarten at L.B.P., it is not necessary to register your child again.
Registration for L.B.P.’s Before and After School Programs can be done on-line at www.wrdsb.ca between February 2nd and April 13th, 2015. An information evening for parents new to kindergarten will be held on May 20th.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office at 519-880-0300.